Monday, January 14, 2008

Leaving Today

I'm leaving today and flying to Tanzania for two weeks of training...I probably won't have much internet access so I won't be able to post anything until after I get to South Africa.


Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let everyone know that I got an e-mail from Drew this morning (Wed.) and he made it safely to Tanzania! Thanks for your prayers! He said it's really hot and humid there but the mosquitos don't seem to be too bad so far. He said he probably won't be able to e-mail again until he gets to South Africa.
Jan (Mom)

Unknown said...

Hey Drew! Its Aaryn from BHBC. I sent you a FB message...but in case you dont get it...I'm in South Africa as well! Just down near the coast! Let me know if you need anything! Have SOOO much fun in Tanzania.

Aaryn Phillips