Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Weekly Schedule

Well I'm back from my safari which was an amazing time, I'll tell more about it later when I am able to post some pictures, for now let me just give some more details about what I've been doing in Joburg. I know a lot of people have been asking what a normal week looks like for me so here's a summary...

Sunday - me and two of the girls (kelsey and mercedes) on the team attend Troyeville Baptist which is in inner city Joburg, we teach youth sunday school which normally has between 20 and 30 youth. Sunday afternoon is nap time (except for the next couple sundays when we have youth planning meetings at Lyndhurst Baptist) and sunday night the whole team attends Lyndhurst Baptist (real close to my apartment).

Monday- our day off...usually we hang around the Tadlock's house (one of the missionary couples here) and use the internet and phone, sometimes we'll go to the mall and see a movie

Tuesday - we have a hang out time for the youth at Lyndhurst in the afternoon where we play sports and board games

Wednesday - me and the two girls are in Troyeville for most of the day, we have a meeting with the youth pastor, prayer meeting with the church, tea and sandwiches, and a wednesday night bible study where everyone watches a video and then the youth breaks off and we help facilitate the small group discussion...Troyeville also has a preschool for kids whose parents can't afford it, so we get to play with these kids for a lot of the day as well

Thursday - we have our weekly meeting with our supervisor Chuck which usually lasts for most of the morning, and he generally takes us somewhere in the afternoon for "cultural learning"...we're suppose to be going to the apartheid museum sometime soon

Friday - so far we've been attending youth at Lyndhurst Baptist (about 60 kids) which we've helped to plan and have facilitated small groups...In March me, kelsey, and mercedes will be in Troyeville on Fridays where we are going to start a Friday night youth group event

Saturday - we have a prayer meeting at Lyndhurst in the morning but besides that every saturday has been pretty different so far, we're hoping to start volunteering at an AIDS orphanage associated with Lyndhurst every Saturday. We've been hanging out in our complex with our neighbors on Saturday nights, last Saturday one of our neighbors took us to the market in one of the townships with them to get fresh vegetables and then cooked for us.

Whatever downtime we have in the afternoons is usually spent hanging around our complex (sometimes at the pool) and trying to meet people or preparing for whatever Bible study we have to lead. We've already met several guys in our complex that have come to youth at Lyndhurst with us, eventually we're hoping to start a house church in our complex.

I think that will give you a pretty good idea of what I do most of the time...if anyone has anything that they want me to talk about then post a comment and let me know.

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