Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Meeting the IMB prez and other stuff...

So the last couple of weeks have been really busy...

Last Tuesday the IMB had their regional leadership meeting in Joburg and we were able to go and give our testimonies about what we've been doing here. Since this is the first semester for the Hands On program they wanted some input into how its been going. We were able to meet Jerry Rankin, the president of the IMB, and a really nice, genuine guy.

We've been busy at Troyeville planning for our first youth event coming up this Friday night. We're trying to make it a really fun hang out time that will get them to come back with a very simple Biblical principle that they can take away. We've also had a bit more time in Troyeville hanging out and playing some basketball with some guys in the neighborhood who we'll hopefully be able to get involved with the youth.

In Lyndhurst, we'll hopefully be starting a house church in our apartment complex within the next couple of weeks...I'll keep you updated on how that is going. One of the guys we met in our complex actually became a Christian yesterday afternoon after talking with my roommate Jon for a while. I played soccer with some of the youth at Lyndhurst yesterday afternoon, they set up a concrete block as the goal, it pretty hard to hit and the guys are pretty awesome but I held my own and even scored a couple goals.

I've been learning about rugby, South Africa actually won the rugby world cup a couple of months ago, so its a pretty big sport here, along with soccer and cricket. We're suppose to be going to a rugby match sometime soon.

That's all I can think of for now...

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