Saturday, March 29, 2008

Finally an Update!

Sorry its been so long since I've updated...I've had a lot going on the last few weeks and haven't had a lot of time on the internet.

Most of my time lately has been focused in the inner city at Troyeville as the youth group starts to grow. We've started having youth group on Friday nights at Troyeville. We've had about 20 kids show up for the first few. We try to make it a fun place where they can come and hang out on Fridays since no one gets to go out much at night. We play games and have a short devotional message. The hardest part about it is trying to figure out safe transportation for everyone, one of the kids was mugged walking back home after the first week.

The next couple of weeks are school holidays so we're planning on just having some hang out times during the day to get to know the youth better.

I've also started playing basketball on Wednesday afternoons at a park in Troyeville near the church. I try to meet guys and bring them with me to Bible study on Wednesday nights.

A couple of weeks ago I was able to visit an orphanage associated with Troyeville called Door of Hope. They have a box where mothers can anonymously place babies that they're planning on abandoning, rather than leaving them on the street.

I went to a rugby game last weekend. It was a lot of fun and really cheap! About $6 for front row tickets in a big stadium in downtown Joburg. The league is made up of professional teams from South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia. It ended in a tie on the last play of the game.

This past week I was at a conference for all the IMB missionaries in in the southern part of Africa. There were about 550. We spent a lot of time in missionary training meetings that all the missionaries go through, but we were also interviewed and debriefed by a lot of different people about our experience in the Hands On program, since this is the first semester they've done it and they're trying to figure out how its going.

I'm going to Capetown next weekend!! Its suppose to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world, so hopefully I'll be posting some pictures next week sometime.

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