Saturday, April 12, 2008

Cape Town!! and Joburg update

Well I went on vacation to Cape Town last weekend, we stayed with some of the other Hands On missionaries stationed there. Its one of the coolest cities I've ever been in, it felt a lot safer and a lot more American than Joburg, it was nice to get a break from not being able to go out at's a few pictures...

These are from the top of Table Mountain

Most of the group that was, Kelsey and Mercedes from Joburg, Jay and Chris from Port Elizabeth and Brittany and Robyn from Cape Town

These are all from Capepoint, an hour or so outside of the city...
This is known as the Cape of Good Hope

Capepoint is behind me...the southern most tip of Africa

This is where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Indian Ocean

A baboon, they're suppose to be all over capepoint but we only saw this one...they supposedly steal your bags and search for food if you're not careful

At the waterfront with Table Mountain behind me as wait to take a ferry over to Robben Island, a former political prison where they held Nelson Mandela for years.

Seals at the waterfront

Table Mountain from the ferry to Robben Island

Penguins on Robben Island

Baby Penguins

Well I think I've posted enough for now...everything back in Joburg is going really well, we're doing a series in youth right now about Biblical heroes so I spoke last Friday night about the stoning of Stephen and I think a lot of them got something out of it...we're having about 15-20 show up consistently on Friday nights which is encouraging. These guys all continue to struggle with understanding why God allows innocent people to suffer so much...most of them have family members that have died of AIDS or live with single mothers or other family members, some are immigrants from the Congo or somewhere else nearby and left their family behind and live with friends or something...its been a really hard message to get across to them...anyway, I'll try to post some pictures of youth and other stuff at Troyeville sometime soon.

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